The Governor and NJDEP have issued clear guidance that site remediation cases and environmental permit compliance must continue during the pandemic. The federal Environmental Protection Agency also issued Interim...
Daniele Cervino, President of the Bogota Rescue Squad, is pictured here delivering donations of food to the St Joseph’s food pantry. During the squad’s recent food drive, a generous donation was received from Inserra...
Interpretation of Force Majeure Clauses in Business Contracts During the COVID-19 Pandemic
April 29, 2020
An often overlooked contract provision is getting a lot of attention these days in interpreting excuses for delays in performance. Buried generally toward the end of many contracts is a “force majeure” clause. “Force...
COVID-19 Update
April 14, 2020
We are alerting our clients and colleagues to New Jersey Executive Order No. 122, which went into effect on April 10, 2020, at 8 PM, and which imposes specific requirements on essential retail businesses permitted to remain...
Update of New York State COVID-19 Legal Developments
April 1, 2020
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, our firm has been monitoring legal developments which we will be sharing periodically with our clients and colleagues. Among recent executive...